The fabric is still a work in progress. Essentially several combinations of fabric will be created based upon the amplitude of the dials. The start was a field of jax. The first dial demonstrates interconnection of curves and surfaces. As a surface is created from pframes traveling along a curve, a subsequent lines are created from between multiple curves based upon rotation and scaling.
origin_field of jax
exploding surfaces
first dial_loft from pframes along curve (created from extruded surfaces of jax)
first dial_rotating + scaling lofted curves
first dial_dialing it up more
first dial_dial up some more
first dial_dialing it all up
second dial_density of cubes (work in progress)
second dial_deletion of density (work in progress)
The second dial will deal with density, as it flies inward or outwards another reaction will be triggered demonstrating density.
The third dial will demonstrate verticality, hopfully all three can work independently as well as a whole to create various urban fabrics ready to be injected with the hopeful monster procedures.
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