Sunday-ing, an explosion of democracy in public space
The symbolic place where democracy, humans and politics join is public space; when and where it disappears there is no city.
Politics, discussion, freedom are necessary to generate mass activation in cities. For this purpose, the revitalization of exterior spaces is essential to promote social improvement and activity in the context of the urbanity. The tyranny of the silent in a dictatorship needs from the democracy and plurality of ideas to build the concept of polis.
The city has renounced many times to have a shared, common and legitimate space for the citizens. The project aims to activate these reduced public spaces to generate social plurality and equality conditions. Recovering void spaces of democracy will improve the basis of the city.
The public space, where this recuperation occurs, works as the intersection of visible and invisible concepts that are capable to activate the city:
Equal Access
In public spaces, citizens have the right to access and express in equality of conditions, independently from its origin, power or social class. In parks, streets, corners, plazas, all members of a city can express themselves and interact as a social group. The project attempt is to invade all the possible grounds and levels of activation of the city and incentivize public communication in equal access conditions.

Function of Community
Public space is where relations build community. Vitality in a city appears when the private acts with conscience of the communality and social network are created. Differentiation between public and private property must disappear in favor of the public. The contamination of the public in the infrastructures of the city is necessary to differentiate and qualify different conditions for the interaction. Not only a park is a park, a street is a street, a corner is a corner. Mutation and hybridization of the infrastructures of the city in favor of the community can generate new relations between public and private.

Plural Expression
Plurality is the fundament for the public space, as guarantee of the democracy. Public space has the purpose of express common ideas shared by the society, without the exclusion of any group. That means the integration not only of different minorities, but the preparation and design of the public space for all their activities.

An empty space, per se, is not capable to generate the city. Sundaying, occupying the public space during certain periods of time, needs from some spatial conditions. The hybridization of leisure, discussion, meeting while adapting to the place, providing climatic protection and spaces of rest are necessary to perform these activities under better conditions.

Sundaying transformations, through different strategies, are capable to produce democracy and community experience.
1. Detect empty-inactivated spaces through an intensity and timing scanning.
2. Draw new maps of social interaction where these invisible forces intersect with reality.
3. Transform forces into a landscape of activation.
4. Inject information in the landscape, such music, color, ambient quality conditions.
5. Shape these conditions.
6. Produce ambient and insert in the fabric of the city.
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