Paranoia’s Cities is a series of cities in parallel universes based on both the original city and cities from VPs (viewpoints)’s imaginations. Each VP has totally different characters, since which they create different parallel universe. The process starts from the growing (birth/death) of cells in the original city. At the same time, several VPs are wandering in the city by their random routes. One of them is called primary VP, which acts as an attractor affecting the current universe. Once another VP encountered the primary VP in a same place at the same time, it triggers this VP’s imagination/paranoia, wishing he could take the primary’s place and creating his own universe. As time proceeds, several parallel universe are created, the activities within these worlds varies but indirectly affecting each other, and keeping create new worlds. Profiles of VPs:
VP Alpha: (Primary) (see left grid):
Initial Position: High
Time: Normal Linear
Interest: Square, Ground Moving
Speed: Normal
Ambition: Normal
VP Beta (see right grid):
Initial Position: Low
Time: Slow Linear
Interest: Curve surfaces, Flying
Speed: Slow
Ambition: High
VP Gamma:(to be developed)
Initial Position: Low
Time: Non-linear (Accelerating)
Interest: Tunnels, Digging
Speed: Fast
Ambition: Low

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