Thursday, July 15, 2010

athletic city

An athlete is physically stronger, faster, and more enduring than an ordinary human being. They train themselves to stay fit and healthy. Athletes perform individually or as a team against the other athletes while being observed closely by a referee, a coach or their audiences. Their purpose is to defeat their opponents. The better they are, the more chance they will win. A perfect athlete does not need to have a perfect body but a body that is able to perform in a particular way.

An athlete is energetic, vigorous, dynamic, brave, purely dedicated, and disciplined. Sometimes an athlete behaves like a warrior. For example, Olympic athletes are like their country’s warriors. They bring back triumph, fame, and spirit to the country.

Athlete definition :
: a person trained to compete in a sport involving physical strength, speed or endurance.
Warrior definition :
: Someone engaged or experienced in warfare.
: A person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics.

In athletic city, there are interactions of force, direction, speed, and density. When two or more values act against each other, the better one wins and remains in the field, waiting to be acted upon. For example, a stronger force defeats a weaker one; a faster pace defeats a slower one. The athletic city is constructed and deformed through these dynamic interactions.


A system to construct an athletic city:
The Athletic City is constructed by a system of responsive interactions where every action causes a reaction. A single movement affects another movement and the whole, creating an interactive behavioral relationship. For example, when one pushes, the other pulls; or when one contracts, the other expands consequently - resulting spatial growth and deformation within a city.
A system behaves like a coach of the athletic city. It watches carefully the city’s behaviors and selectively takes out unqualified ones.

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