Thursday, June 10, 2010

Creating a Field of Centers


My current exploration is creating a field that allows me to extract centers (open for interpretation/analysis). Going along with the concept of constraints = characteristics; I started out with one singular cube.

- The cube then travels through a combination of 3 types of "moves" (3d rotate, shift, mirror); each move is given a numerical value which must then equal to a given total value, thus the move combinations are limited within a numerical constraint.

- From each move, the I boolean subtracted the intersections and collected the "static" or "dynamic" fragments.

- Now that I have this collection of fragments, I shall analyze, extract, and translate it. I have already started by looking at the fragmented prism's centroids (2nd image below).


(everything together)

(centers of framents)

(exploded fragmentation)


- need to link it back to beginning to express the cause and reactions.

- Because I am working in 3d, I am having problems with my grasshopper file being too heavy and am forced to bake almost every step and brep-ing it in a new file. How can I lighten the load?

- Need to extract/analyze surfaces of fragments.

- All of this took less than 5 seconds on paper, but took almost 2 days in Grasshopper!

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